
How to study for Etea/Mdcat

   Hi There!Its me Ehsan Ullah Khan. Starting with the Name Of Allah Almighty! Here I am going To Share Some Experience Of Etea/Mdcat preparation,Daily study Routine and Some Important Practice MCQs Books. CHEMISTRY:    Although Chemistry part-1 is tough for many students but its not that tough as we think.Chemistry is an interesting subject if u have cleared your concept.Chemistry part is quite easy as compare to part-1 but u should not take it easy. There are 60 MCQs of Chemistry in Enterance test which Can rise u from Earth to the sky but also from sky to Earth. =>Give read to chemistry on regular bases.Get concepts and make shortcuts for yourself. =>Memorize All the reactions like hydration,hydrogenation,hydrolysis,ozonolysis,etc =>Memorize the Catalysts and Temperature and pressure values =>Memorize all the formulas. =>Make a chart so that you should give read to it in glance MCQs Books: I will suggest the most famous and authentic Book which is The "CHAMPION S